MACE strives to recognize its chamber members who go above and beyond the call of duty to promote their city with new and inventive ideas. These awards are given by the MACE committee as an example of the highest examples of hard work, passion and effort displayed by chamber members across the region. These awards are presented each May at the MACE annual conference.
Each title is hyperlinked to the application. The deadline in 2025 is March 21, 2025. Please note, there may not be an award given each year in every category.

Chamber Event of The Year
These awards are presented for an excellent chamber event. The events are judged on criteria such as value to the community and chamber, resonance within their community, ongoing effects and popularity, measurable results and innovation.
Community Event of The Year
This award is presented for excellence in Chamber-led Community events. The events are judged on criteria such as value to the community and chamber, resonance within their community and measurable results and innovation. Qualifying events March 2024 - February 2025.
Public Policy of the Year
The Public Policy of the year award recognizes chambers of commerce that achieve a significant victory in public policy, whether it be as a part of a partnership with others or as the only organization championing a cause.
Executive of the Year
The executive of the year award is presented to a chamber executive who has demonstrated a vision, commitment and passion for the advancement of their chamber and community as a whole. The nominees in this category have proven to others that they are the “gold standard” in chamber leadership and are proven to have the vision for future chamber members to follow.
Marketing & Communications Award - Membership size less than 400
This annual award recognizes marketing initiative, publication or digital campaign from a Chamber with FEWER than 400 members. The project should exemplify innovation, relevance to the organization, quality content, originality, and audience engagement tactics that provide a benchmark for other organizations to follow. Chambers can nominate any form of marketing or communication vehicles. Project completion dates must fall between March 2024 and February 2025.
Marketing & Communications Award - Membership size more than 400
This annual award recognizes marketing initiative, publication or digital campaign from a Chamber with greater than 400 members. The project should exemplify innovation, relevance to the organization, quality content, originality, and audience engagement tactics that provide a benchmark for other organizations to follow.
Chambers can nominate any form of marketing or communication vehicles. Project completion dates must fall between March 2024 and February 2025.
Resilience in the Face of Adversity
This annual award recognizes a chamber’s ability to adapt and lead through a difficult and unforeseen situation (i.e. natural disaster, pandemic, fire, flood, unforeseen void in leadership, etc.) that impacted Chamber operations. Winner will be selected based on demonstrated strength, creativity and leadership.
Situation and its resolution must fall between April 2024 and March 2025.